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  • License and permission acquisitionDatum24.08.2023 15:32
    Thema von ConfidusSolutions im Forum Bewerbungen

    Business license is a specific document that allows running business and operating in specific business field. Generally, the license is issued by the government, agency or governmental institutions. The necessity for obtaining a license before starting particular business usually is defined by law.

    Running business without a license, when the law requires obtaining the license, is illegal and the government inspector may impose a fine, require stopping activities and obtaining the necessary license. Licensing usually refers to specifically regulated business field, such as banking, trading with alcohol and cigarettes, oil business, providing taxi services, security services, etc.

  • Thema von ConfidusSolutions im Forum Bewerbungen

    There are no special circumstances in which you would be required to incorporate a limited liability company. An LLC is a type of legal entity that successfully blends the majority of the most desirable characteristics of other business types, which explains why most entrepreneurs choose an LLC when starting a business. Additionally, many offshore jurisdictions have simplified accounting and record-keeping requirements for LLCs.

    Normally we would advise our clients to consider an LLC as a viable option if they wish to form a commercial corporation or small business within certain limits. LLCs are perfect for those looking for a way to run a business (locally or internationally) and distribute profits at minimal cost. However, you should always keep in mind that an LLC does not typically provide an effective mechanism to introduce a partner with limited voting power or numerous investors to your company. In these cases, we recommend that you consider a limited partnership or a public company, as they may offer more effective ways to achieve your goals. Forming an offshore company in a tax haven can be a great way to reduce maintenance costs.

  • Politics of GermanyDatum19.06.2022 12:12
    Thema von ConfidusSolutions im Forum Allgemein

    In Germany, the form of government is a federal parliamentary constitutional republic. Legislative authority in Germany lies with the Bundesrat/Bundestag. Prime Minister is Frank-Walter Steinmeier. A country's governmental structure determines the way laws are written, approved, and interpreted. The type of government determines the manner in which elections are held as well as the country's system of policing its citizens. The term of office of the head of state in Germany lasts until January 1, 2022. The length of a head of state's term of office has a direct impact on the power and influence of the executive branch. A longer term gives the head of state more authority. The term of office of the head of state in Germany lasts until January 1st, 2022. The length of a head of state's tenure directly affects the power and influence of the executive branch. A longer term gives the head of state more authority. The Global Peace Index (GPI) for Germany is 1.379. Due to the strong presence of law enforcement and the high level of social responsibility, Germany is very safe in international comparison. The strength-law index for Germany is 6. Overall, it is rated as rather reasonable – bankruptcy and liens can at least adequately protect the rights of borrowers and lenders; Credit reports are usually sufficient and generally available.

    Head of government in Germany is Frank-Walter Steinmeier. The system of government in Germany is a federal parliamentary constitutional republic. In Germany, legislation rests with a Bundesrat/Bundestag; this is a bicameral legislative body and thus a bicameral Bundesrat/Bundestag. According to the World Bank Group, Germany's Government Effectiveness Index is 1.73. This shows that the government of Germany is very effective. Citizens enjoy highly effective social, public and public services and general morale in Germany is high. State action is efficient and swift, making dangerous situations highly unlikely.

    Germany is a member of the United Nations (UN). Germany is a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Germany is a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Germany is a member of the International Monetary Fun (IWF). To find out more about when Germany became a member of these unions and which other political unions and alliances Germany is a part of, click Germany's membership of international unions.

    Freedom in Germany
    When it comes to political and civil liberties, Germany comes first. The citizens of Germany experience absolute freedom. The majority of countries where citizens enjoy wide civil liberties and political liberties are representative democracies, where officials are directly elected by the citizens to advocate for their needs and wants. Free countries are often empowered by healthy economies and well-functioning governments.

  • Limited liability companiesDatum24.05.2022 10:28
    Thema von ConfidusSolutions im Forum Allgemein

    A limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as LLC) is a commercial company with legal personality status. Typically, an LLC's equity consists of the total face value of its shares. One of the key features and benefits of an LLC is the fact that shareholders cannot be held personally responsible for the company's debts or liabilities - only the company's assets themselves are at risk. However, the issue of limited liability also depends on the national legislation of each jurisdiction. In general, an LLC is a corporate structure that combines the simplified taxation of a partnership with the principle of limited liability of a corporation. It can be the perfect solution for an international trading company, provided the jurisdiction is well chosen.

    A major difference between a joint-stock company and an LLC is that the latter is always a close company and its shares are not publicly traded. Internationally, another commonly used name for an LLC is a private liability company or simply “Ltd”. This term is widely used in the United Kingdom and some other common-law countries.

    Choosing the correct legal structure for your company can be crucial for the purposes of tax planning, profit-sharing and cost reduction. There are some key differences between them, and each has its own benefits and disadvantages depending on the case.

    Advantages and disadvantages of a limited liability company
    As with any other legal entity, the LLC has its own pros and cons. Depending on the circumstances and your chosen jurisdiction, there may be other peculiarities in addition to those listed below. That is why we suggest that you consult our lawyers prior to initiating the incorporation process.

    The main advantages of an LLC are:

    Limited liability of the shareholders with respect to creditors
    Smaller minimum capital than for a joint-stock company
    Flexible structure: it can operate with one or multiple shareholders
    Minimal requirements for board and directors; no supervisory body
    Flexibility with regard to taxation
    Relatively quick and easy incorporation procedure
    Simple bookkeeping and paperwork
    Usually one person can be shareholder, director and employee (if required)
    The primary disadvantages are:

    Limited third-party investment options
    The company cannot issue shares publicly

    Partner in a limited liability company
    The capital shares of a company belong to its shareholders. This means that each shareholder has a say in decision-making according to the number of shares they hold, which in turn depends on how much they have contributed to the company's capital. The number of shares held by an individual shareholder is usually given as a percentage; For example, in an LLC with four shareholders who have invested equally in the company, each owner would typically have a 25% interest, and those four shareholders would each receive a corresponding share of the profits. The liability of shareholders is limited to the amount of capital they have invested.

    Usually there is no limit to the total number of shareholders that a limited liability company can have and therefore the shareholders of an LLC can be an individual, a group of two or more persons or even one of several legal entities, for example corporations or other companies. As a result, LLCs are widely recognized as one of the most flexible forms of business and can be used as part of a larger corporate structure. However, some jurisdictions may impose restrictions or additional requirements in relation to Shareholders and their legal status. For example, in some countries an LLC must have at least one shareholder who is a national of that country, while in others a legal entity cannot be a shareholder. Call us now for more information on the legal requirements in your jurisdiction.

  • Economy of New CaledoniaDatum09.03.2022 12:45
    Thema von ConfidusSolutions im Forum Allgemein

    New Caledonia is considered a developed nation. A nation's level of development is determined by a number of factors including, but not limited to, economic prosperity, life expectancy, income equality and quality of life. As a developed nation, New Caledonia is able to provide social services such as public education, healthcare and law enforcement to its citizens. Citizens of developed countries enjoy a high standard of living and longer life expectancies than citizens of developing countries. Every year New Caledonia exports about US$1.32 billion and imports about US$3.24 billion. 14.8% of the country's population is unemployed. The total number of unemployed in New Caledonia is 41,414. The country's Gini index is 43.32. New Caledonia is experiencing poor equality. The gap between the richest and poorest citizens in this country is quite palpable.


    The currency of New Caledonia is the CFP Franc. The plural form of the word CFP-Franken is CFP-Franken. The symbol used for this currency is Fr and is abbreviated as XPF. The CFP franc is divided into cents; there are 100 in a cfp franc.

    Credit rating

    Creditworthiness is the degree to which international investors trust a country to pay off debt and honor the country's lending commitments. There is no information on the creditworthiness of New Caledonia.

    Central bank

    In New Caledonia, the institution that manages the state's currency, money supply and interest rates is called the Overseas Issuing Institute. Locally, the central bank of New Caledonia is called the Institut d'émission d'Outre-Mer.

    National debt

    New Caledonia has a public debt equal to 48.4% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP) as estimated in 2014.

    Tax information

    Corporate tax in New Caledonia is 30%. Personal income tax ranges from 0% to 40% depending on your specific situation and income level.


    The total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in New Caledonia is 9.712 billion. Based on this statistic, New Caledonia is considered to be medium strong. Middle economy countries support an average number of industries and investment opportunities. It shouldn't be too difficult to find worthwhile investment opportunities in mid-sized economies. The gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in New Caledonia was last at 35 million US dollars. The average citizen in New Caledonia has very little wealth. Countries with very low wealth per capita often have lower life expectancies and a dramatically lower quality of life for their citizens. In countries with very low levels of prosperity, it can be very difficult to find a highly skilled workforce as citizens find it difficult to obtain the training required for specialized industries. However, labor can be found at very low rates compared to countries with higher wealth per capita. The annual GDP growth rate in New Caledonia averaged 2.8% in 2014. According to this percentage, New Caledonia is currently experiencing modest growth.

  • Economy of GermanyDatum05.11.2021 20:31
    Thema von ConfidusSolutions im Forum Allgemein

    Germany is considered a developed country. A nation's stage of development is determined by a number of factors, including economic prosperity, life expectancy, income equality, and quality of life. As an industrialized country, Germany is able to offer its citizens social services such as public education, health care and law enforcement. Citizens of developed countries enjoy a high standard of living and a longer life expectancy than citizens of developing countries. Germany exports around $ 1,493 billion and imports around $ 1,233 billion annually. 3.6% of the country's population are unemployed. The total number of unemployed in Germany is 2,962,564. In Germany, 17% of the population live below the poverty line. The proportion of citizens living below the poverty line in Germany is relatively high, but there is no reason to be completely concerned about investments. Potential financiers should look at other economic indicators, including GDP, rate of urbanization, and currency strength, before making any investment decisions. Government spending on education is 4.5% of GDP. The country's Gini index is 27. Germany experiences a high level of equality. The differences in income between citizens are only slight. Germany has a Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.911. Germany has a very high HDI value. This suggests that almost all citizens are able to lead a desirable life thanks to social and economic support; Citizens with a low standard of living receive help and support and have the opportunity to move forward in society. The Global Peace Index (GPI) for Germany is 1.379. Due to the strong presence of the law enforcement authorities and the high level of social responsibility, Germany is very safe in international comparison. The strength of the legal rights index for Germany is 6. Overall, it is considered to be rather sufficient - insolvency and security laws can at least adequately protect the rights of borrowers and lenders; Credit information is usually sufficient and generally available.

    Germany's currency is the euro. There are several plural forms of the name "Euro". These are euros, euros. The symbol used for this currency is € and is abbreviated as EUR. The euro is divided into cents; there are 100 in one euro.

    Credit rating
    The index of the credit report for Germany is 8, which means that the information is usually sufficient and quite detailed; Accessibility is not a problem. According to the rating agency S&P, Germany has a credit rating of AAA and the prospects for this rating are stable. According to the rating agency Fitch, Germany has a credit rating of AAA and the prospects for this rating are stable. According to the rating agency Moody's, Germany has a credit rating of Aaa, and the outlook for this rating is stable.

    Central bank
    In Germany, the institution that administers the state's currency, money supply and interest rates is called the Deutsche Bundesbank. The local central bank of Germany is called Deutsche Bundesbank. The average deposit rate of the local banks in Germany is 2.65%.

    National debt
    Germany has a national debt of 26% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP) (as of 2013).

    Tax information
    The corporation tax in Germany is 30%. Income tax ranges from 14% to 45% depending on the situation and income level. The value added tax in Germany is 19%.

    The gross domestic product (GDP) in Germany in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP) amounts to a total of 3748094 billion US dollars. The gross domestic product (GDP) measured as purchasing power parity (PPP) per capita in Germany was last measured at 46 million US dollars. In an international comparison, PPP in Germany is considered below average. A below-average PPP indicates that citizens in this country are finding it difficult to buy local goods. Local goods can include groceries, shelter, clothing, health care, personal hygiene, essential home furnishings, transportation and communications, laundry, and various types of insurance. Countries with below average PPPs are dangerous places to invest. The total gross domestic product (GDP) in Germany is 3,730,261 billion euros. According to these statistics, Germany is considered to be a large economy. Countries with large economies support a wide variety of industries and companies and offer numerous investment opportunities. Large economies support a sizable financial sector, which makes it easy to organize investments and financial transactions. It should be very easy to find good investment opportunities in Germany. The gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Germany was most recently 45 million US dollars. The average citizen in Germany has very little wealth. Countries with very low per capita wealth often have a lower life expectancy and a dramatically lower quality of life for their citizens. In countries with very low wealth, it can be very difficult to find a highly skilled workforce as it is difficult for citizens to get the education needed to specialize in industries. However, compared to countries with higher wealth per capita, workers can be found at very low prices. The annual GDP growth rate in Germany averaged 1.4% in 2014. According to this, Germany is currently experiencing modest growth.

  • Education of Hong Kong

    The adult literacy rate in Hong Kong is 93.5%. Government spending on education is 4.5% of GDP. Hong Kong's education index is 0.767 - formal education is high, secondary education is standard for most of the population; Higher education is highly available and widespread due to the economic demand for graduates, and higher education is also becoming the standard option in many of these countries. Hong Kong people speak Chinese and English.

    English language
    In Hong Kong, about 0% of the population, or 3,136,784 people, speak English. English is their first language for 238,288 of the Hong Kong population. 2,898,496 of the Hong Kong population use English as either a foreign or a second language.

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