If jaguars and pumas avoid each other, then puma au it was expected that captures of each species would be clustered in time. A nonparametric runs test was used to compare the distribution of male-male capture intervals against a random distribution, which is the expected outcome of negligible interaction. The frequencies of runs of consecutive captures of the same and different species through time indicated to what extent the species attracted or avoided each other.
A clustered distribution occurred when each species had more consecutive captures than expected at random, indicating avoidance between the 2 species. A regular distribution (many short runs) occurred when the 2 species had fewer consecutive captures than puma creepers expected at random, indicating attraction between species. Data were used only from camera locations with e"3 captures per single species Capture frequency of jaguars and pumas was positively correlated at each camera location .
The order in which puma suede classic jaguars and pumas were captured through time differed significantly from random (373 runs of consecutive puma or consecutive jaguar captures observed, 427 expected, average K = 0.52, P <� 0.01). The lower number of observed than expected runs indicated a clustering of conspecifics and therefore a tendency for conspecifics to be closer together in time than different species.Although male jaguars showed little evidence of mutual avoidance.
The avoidance is active rather than passive, because it puma sneakers does not arise from differences in habitat use or activity schedules. Both species used the same locations and schedules, but avoided coincident times. Although examination of the data cannot reveal whether avoidance was mutual, it is likely that the physically smaller pumas avoid jaguars. Anecdotal evidence from Mexico indicates that pumas are occasionally eaten by jaguars (Brian Miller, Denver Zoo, pers. comm.).
Animal control officer Mike Horton said the use of the cat as live bait was apparently legal, but leaving the cat unsheltered in a rainstorm was not. Horton confiscated the cat, but Medford shelter manager Colleen Mucek told reporter Mark Freeman of the Medford Mail-Tribune that since Thiebes claimed the cat, the cat would be returned to the ODFW. puma ignite Tim Moffatt, Northwest field representative for Friends of Animals, raised public objections.
PUMA PANIC!!! occurred all around the west during the spring, including in Lagunitas, California, where a reported puma who kept a 32-year-old Novato man inside an outhouse all night at Samuel P. Taylor State Park may actually have been a large bobcat. In Palm Springs, California, the same day, Woody Barrett, 77, and his son Jerry, 54, wrested their nine-yearold terrier Taz from the jaws of a puma, a female who then ran beneath a picnic table beside a
neighbor's swimming pool, and remained there until police shot her.